Tuesday, July 5, 2011


***slight change of plans, as, henceforth, I've decided to display random postcards (but still in chronological order) rather than all of them***

Next batch.

Dear E,

Not even chatter could drown the elevator’s beeps as it descended toward us. Still, that didn’t prevent anyone from talking over the other. I didn’t have much to contribute to the convos. I wanted to pretend I had Tourette’s because I knew no one would notice. I wanted to blurt out, “My strong penis!” Nothing. “The depth of my cock!” Nothing. I have no idea what anyone was saying. The elevator doors opened. As we all entered and the doors closed, I mistimed my blurt during the sudden silence: “Underneath China, it says Made in My Dick!

Dear E,

If I haven’t already lost my marbles, then I might be kissing them goodbye as I write this. Earlier today, in my periphery, I thought I saw someone walk by one of the windows in my third-floor apartment. Furthermore, I’m starting to see people in 2-D, and I can’t tell if they’re cardboard cutouts or paintings on the wall. The funny thing is, I don’t want medication because the chemical imbalance is fun and psychosis is a strong excuse for committing crimes.

Dear E,

Greetings from Bonnaroo! Very fucked-up right now. Took a concoction of Weed, LSD, PCP, Mescaline, and Pilates. Met some people who didn’t make me want to vomit, and we built a teepee composed of everything we’ve ever wanted. After a while, I wandered off by myself and found a tree that I proceeded to climb. Each branch was sturdy enough to support my weight, and each branch led to a different view of the festival. As I climbed, the branches called my name, extending as if they had known me my entire life.

Dear E,

Today I will drink lots of coffee before I begin my search for Bigfoot. Unlike other myth-hunters, I don’t seek to photograph him, nor do I want to capture him or prove his existence. I just want to find him and express my admiration of his courage because it ain’t easy being blurry in the public’s eye. Hopefully, he’ll give me a high-5 and then we’ll smoke a joint, exchange stories of heartbreak, tell jokes, and maybe even compare ejaculation techniques.

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