Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Calling All Positive Energies: UnRandom Acts of Kindness

Recently, it seems as if the world is dry-heaving more than usual. In the past week I've seen unnerving stories of a WBC terrorist church group plotting explosions at funeral in Michgan, a 15-year-old boy stomping a 15-year-old girl's head into a coma (, and a teenage girl selling her 7-year-old stepsister for sex - i.e., rape by multiple men - at a party (

As badly as I want and need to cry, I've decided I'll do whatever's in my power to balance out nature by spreading optimism, because the gods know we need it now.

So I implore everyone else to do the same. Please.

Spread your kindness in any way possible: as you walk past an old man on the street and you notice his shoe is untied and that it'd be a chore for him to bend down to his feet, tie his shoe for him; put a few coins in the parking-meters that are verging expiration; offer yer seat on the subway; return a mother's shopping-cart to its dock at the grocery store; give your umbrella to a person sleeping on the curb; tell someone whom you love that you cannot tell them how much you love them because you love them so much that it's unquantifiable; ask a stranger, "What are you thinking?"

Make these buried seeds of dice sprout into gratitude.


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