First the good news:
Two NEWish poems will be published in the journal Dear Sir,.
One poem is a random one I've written and rewritten over the past couple of years. It's called "The Flaw of Jovian Kinematics."
The other is a freshy from my most recent collection, which is a chapbook manuscript (titled SHOEBOX PHANTOMS). The poem appearing from that collection in Dear Sir, is called "FREE WILL LULLABIES BEGET DRUNK PARACHUTES WHOSE AROMA ARE A BURNING INTERSTELLAR CANDY SHOP THE SMELL OF SWEET HISTAMINE AND WE'VE GOT NOTHING LEFT TO ANTI UP."
(And I'm not providing a teaser from these poems; you'll able to read them when they appear in the issue. Sorrry.)
Now for the not-so-good-news:
I submitted a small sample of SHOEBOX PHANTOMS as a book proposal to the publisher Grayson Books; that press has some very cool titles and, along with holding book contests (which result in publication), it also reads proposals for book ideas and decides whether or not to publish them. Rather than enter the contest, I decided to send a proposal (along with the other several thousand proposals from writers they receive each year.. yikes). Well, today I received their rejection, which reads as follows:
Dear Mr. Curtis,You've sent along a project that looks interesting and unusual, but I don't think it's for us. Thanks for your patience in awaiting a reply. We gave SHOEBOX PHANTOMS serious consideration. I feel certain you'll find a home for this book idea somewhere else. Best of luck in placing it and in your future endeavors.Sincerely,
Ohh wellll. I suppose the silver-lining in this rejection is that the publisher described the collection as "unusual"-- I'll take that compliment and run with it. And now that I have one poem from the collection being published, I'm hoping to publish a few more, and then, hopefully, some publisher will want to publish the whole darn thing. We shall see. Stay tuned and stay thirsty.
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Grayson Books